What did Santa bring you?

I got:
A pair of muck boots
A new bino harness with a cover. I got tired of cleaning snow out of my eye pieces
A camo guitar from my wife.i guess I have to learn to play now :D
A few hunting books from my wife
A camo lamp, gold panning kit and 5lb bag of cinnamon bears(addicted to them) from my in-laws.
A cold weather kit to keep in my work car. I commute 120 miles a day on reservation roads that don't get plowed. Hope I never have to use it.
And a fat check that I wanted to put towards a rifle/equipment but put it in savings to pay for a late honeymoon this summer.

All in all, I made out extremely well and couldn't be happier with how blessed I have been through out.
32in LCD TV (to me and the wife)
BlueRay Player (to me and the wife)
2 year subscription to Shooting Times
2 Stephen Hunter novels
$100 in gift certificates to Bruno Shooter Supply
2 boxes of CCI mini-mag
a flannel shirt

makes me wish I would have given more this year
I ended up with a complete RCBS reloading setup with all the trimmings... including dies for all my current guns!

Now I don't have to keep borrowing the old man's setup :D
i got a day 6 plotwatcher pro trail camera and so far its good.
i'm a little bit disappointed that it has no leds on it because i like lamping foxes and would like to use it to scout them out.
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