Well-Known Member
I use a bipod and a tripod pack tree limb etc , yes I carry both bipod and tripod. I'm 57 with knee / shoulder surgery this past February but I like the option of any and all conditions
The OP was looking for bipod suggestions, and specifically not using your pack.Interested in learning, at least hearing other ponderings. Why a bipod or tripod? At 75, ounces equal tons, shorter range, more creaking next day. Please share why are you opposed to using your pack? Less weight to carry minus the bipod, less to fux with, get caught in brush. Better recoil management on pack....rifle slides in recoil better on pack than skittering bipod. Easier to traverse/elevation adjust/level rifle to eliminate cant on a pack, just checking your level vs fuxing with bipod. Better range of position building.....prone on ground, over rocks; upright for kneeling; can hang pack on short/lower branch to make shooting "sling".....cross strap pack to tree trunk for infinitely variable height rest.....kneeling, standing...... Often free support rifle on pack for extended glassing for that fleeting shot. Ya' can lead a horse to water, but it's up to the horse not to die of dehydration...... If one is dead set not to use a pack, a shooting monopod or shooting sticks work great, more height range, not so attached to rifle for flexibility. I've used a monopod that inserted into belt for standing rest, ease of sneaking on a shot,..... Have used dual support head on a monopod for RF/rifle where RF steadiness is critical for precise ranging out where it matters most. Just an old geezer's decades of learning what works for me.....sharing....YMMV.