What barrel cleaning regiment and products do you use?

I know this is a difficult question, but IN GENERAL, how often would you clean for powder fouling and\or copper fouling based on the following: 7mm Rem Mag, 168 Berger VLDs at 3100 fps. I know there are alot of variables....... Thanks Ric.
2)Carbon Killer
2)Shooters Choice
Hydrogen Peroxide(VERY SLOW -to remove the SC)
GM Top Engine Cleaner

Once dry, I burnish dry Tungsten into the bore with a bore mop(which I store in coated BBs in a bottle). ~10 full strokes.
This is 'prefouling' for my Tungsten coated bullets.

I don't get enough copper to really use the big copper busters out there. Shooters choice works well enough for me.
This is my regimen for cleaning my 270 Allen Mag.

After around 20-30 shots i will take a Kydex brush (Kydex is a very hard plastic made by Hoppes) and soak the brush in Butch's. I use kydex because it isnt affected by bore solvents and wont give you a false reading. I will run this down the bore a couple of times, re soak the brush and repeat until the brush moves a little easier through the bore. After this i will soak the brush and scrub back and forth focusing on the first 8" of the bbl to try and scrub out any carbon ring. This is also another nice feature of kydex as it cant scratch the bbl while scrubbing. I will scrub the whole lentgh of the bbl for a while and then let it set for a minute. Then I will run a few wet patches of butch's down the bore and let it set for a minute. Now i will take a cotton patch soaked in hydrogen peroxide and VERY VERY SLOWLY push it down the bore and some light blue foam will drip out. After this i will patch the bore dry and run 2 patch's soaked in butchs down the bore and let it set for a few minutes and then patch out and see how much blue is on it. I will continue this until i get a dry patch with very little copper sign on it. I dont worry too much about getting it PERFECTLY clean for the same reasons as Ric stated. I also make sure i fire at least 1 if not 2 fouling shots down the bore before i do anything that matters.

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