What are the odds


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2021
My friend's experience was actually very humorous……he has a wicked sense of humor. And, looks pretty rough after a 12 hour shift…..slightly bugged eyes, thinning curly hair, very mischievous smile. Combined, makes a pretty intimidating appearance…..especially when he's well-armed.

On a very "frosty" March morning, he was on the final leg of a trip from near Kemmerer, Wy, a quick stop in Green River while heading to to Glen Rock Wyoming, after working a 12 hr night shift. He's making good time in his then brand-new late '80's Chevy truck with a fairly potent 350 cid small block, when somewhere between Baroil and Casper, only someone familiar with Wyoming knows of Baroil…..he roars past a young hitchhiker.

Requiring a moment to process what he'd just seen, he slams on the brakes and starts to back-up to the hitchhiker while the hitchhiker, dressed in light street clothes, office type shoes, and only a light jacket, runs toward the Chevy.

As the hitchhiker, opens the door and is about 3/4's into the cab, my buddy stomps the accelerator…. never looking at the hitchhiker nor saying anything.

The hitchhiker is attempting to assess his surroundings as the Chevy is rapidly passing 60 mph…..with a insane appearing man starring straight ahead maintaining a death grip on the steering wheel.

Now with speed continuing to increase and no words spoken, the hitchhiker observes a heavy barreled rifle with large scope muzzle down in the Chevy's floorboard and the large framed revolver in a shoulder holster worn by the driver. Now obviously quite concerned with his situation, the hitchhiker attempts to start a conversation. He nervously asked….."Whatcha" hunt'n"?

My friend with his dark, thin, hair curly hair in much disarray, hands firmly the steering wheel of the Chevy now likely approaching 80 mph, slowly turned with eyes bulging toward the young hitchhiker and said with the most evil tone he could muster….."Hitchhikers"!

My friend could see the terror in the hitchhiker's eyes as the hitchhiker quickly glanced out of the window, clearly considering jumping from the speeding truck……as my buddy burst out laughing.

The rest of the trip to Casper, once the hitchhiker started breathing again, was casual conversation which helped my buddy stay awake for the rest of his drive! memtb
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