Borden Timberline is top notch and reasonably priced for as good as it is. Stiller Predator is very good and probably the best priced especially if you get in on the group buy over on Sniperhide. Defiance Machine builds top notch actions . The Surgeon RLR is also very good and reasonably priced. IMO the Borden is the best of the bunch when you combine the quality for the price.
Dave Tooley's Orion is probably one of the best buys for the money. Couple threads here on them with pics. Tons of custom features and he is only one with melonite bolt right now.
Wow custom actions look awsome,I have a question if I bought a custom action ,would it not have to be blueprinted..I love me REM actions ,but that's all I've ever owned ,and I think if I get one for this 338 build iam gona want it blueprinted for sure,mabey custom action don't need blueprinted?