I used to use a vibratory tumbler for all of my brass cleaning. Several years ago I bought a Frankfort Arsenal wet tumbler with stainless steel pins and it's made all the difference. It's quiet, has a large capacity, built in timer (up to three hours). Comes with straining end caps to dump out dirty water and stainless pins, but still retain the brass. It cleans the brass inside and out, including primer pockets usually better even then they come from the factory. However one question I had for the group is has anyone noticed that your cases are more difficult to resize after using the wet tumbling method? I've never stuck a case before I switched and in the few years I've used this method I've stuck 2. Which isn'ta huge number but I've noticed that resizing is more difficult now. I don't know if I'm using too much lemishine or detergent and it's acting against my case lube or what. But I've noticed a difference, just curious if any of you have had a similar experience. Thanks!