I was in my early 20's going to college and worked part time at Scheels. As an employee I got a great buy on a top of the line PSE bow. For some reason I had the mentality that more poundage was better so I picked up a 65-80lb bow. I practiced all summer at 75lbs and was very proficient. Now season opened mid September. I had some opportunities on a few deer, but was holding out for something a little bigger. As the season progressed I got busy with school and work and as a result didn't practice shooting as often as I should have.
Rifle season opened early November so I ditched the bow for a few weeks until I decided to go out bow hunting again the day b4 Thanksgiving. It was a COLD November morning. I snuck in and got positioned in an old permanent deer stand that had a few creeks in it. I had to stay still to prevent it from making any noises. After about 2 hours of freezing in the cold I was about to get out of my stand when I saw a young doe gradually crest the hill. I didn't think much of it until I saw the rack that was following! My heart went into over drive. I new I had to remain still to keep the stand from creeking. The buck stopped, textbook perfect, broadside, vitals exposed, head behind a big tree where he couldn't see me….. I tried to draw my bow, but try as I might, 75 pounds was more than I could muster! It didn't take long and the jig was up. My window of opportunity slammed shut in an instant.
I had the strangest feelings… I felt like crying, laughing, throwing my bow, and cursing all at the same time. I'll never forget that deer, and I've never had my bow set that high again!