Well crap - who else is bust on WY tags?

Our ranch is in Area 24. I've already had several people contact me about the possible purchase of a hunt depending on buying leftover tags when the go on sale. Our antelope herd was severely depleted because of drought in recent years, so people who hunt on us are limited to bucks only. Other ranches in the area may not have had the her reductions we did, but we spend a little more time trying to actually improve the herd's genetics and population.

No dice in 103! Sucks. Checked out the leftover lists. Unless I can find a ranch in 29 I'm likely screwed for this year. One dejected daughter here. We were hoping to get out there before she gets busy with college and such. Bummer.
I'm just buying points this year. Got a new baby, so no out of state for me this fall. Hopefully next year
Here in a couple days I am going to place a few ads to see if I can sell a couple more hunts. Our area has some tags left and it is fairly easy to get to. The hard part is finding a place to get on to. There are a few state sections, but most is private. That sorta makes it hard for the do-it-yourself type hunters, but alot of people like being able to go onto a place and having a good chance at success.

I'm in Area 24, but have a decent idea about other areas around the region. If I can possibly answer any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Tex, I've been talking to my nephew about leftover goat tag's, and he mentioned 24, but said he knew nothing about it since we typically hunt other areas. So thought I'd ask what you are charging for a shot at a nice 'lope. Also curious about your management methods, maybe you could share a bit of how you go about it?
My girlfriend and I each drew a buck and two doe tags in area 9. This is the first time either of us has hunted big game out of state, and super excited!
I drew a nil on everything in Wyoming this year, last year was my first year hunting as a non-resident and i guess I got really lucky and drew in the random draw with no points. Guess I got spoiled, I was pretty disappointed to come up bust this year so... Picked up OTC leftovers for doe antelope around Buffalo, got the Onx maps, started making calls in mid-July and got some private land to hunt on that adjoins several state sections... Hoping to do well! The sweet old lady I talked to said she always has herds on her land! Back-strap will be coming her way for the kindness.

This will be my wife's first hunt, period... might just focus on getting her goats!
Cool, good luck!

Access set you back much or she actually allowing free trespass?

She allowed it for free, sight unseen (We've never met) after I cold called her based on a landowner listing from OnX maps! Said no one had ever bothered asking her before???

Gonna take her some seafood, offer assistance to her and her husband for anything they need done, maybe offer up an unsolicited access fee, share some game meat, etc... Her husband (recently married) also owns some tracts near Kaycee so maybe I can extend the access with some decent and ethical treatment of their land and kindness.
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