1. He never offered to send me the rifle first to let me look it over, 2.he agreed to PayPal goods and services, 3. I sent money to the PayPal account he sent me. 4. He refunded the money because he couldn't access it even though he sent me a screenshot of it in his account. 5. he then wanted me to send it to a different email after he canceled it and refunded me the money by his own choice. 6. he only sent 5 pictures through, and they were from a post in 24 hour campfire from 2018 ( he never sent 19 pics) 7. The gun pics from 24 hour campfire was a 21" version, and he said multiple times it was a 18 threaded version. 8 . The ser# that he gave me for the purchase order didn't match the same one on the rifle he was selling me. 9. He sent multiple texts threatening me and accusing me of trying to scam him, for what a rifle purchase that he canceled? If he was so willing to send the rifle to my ffl first to let me look over it, then why would he cancel the order when the money was in his paypal? 10. Most banks have a daily limit of what can be sent in a day, just as mine is, and no bank is open at 10pm to call and tell them to allow more than that limited to go through.
And he was having a major issue with his phone and computer.
Maybe It was a misunderstanding, if so I apologize, I would like to give the benefit of the doubt, but way too many things wrong here in my opinion. You guy know me, I'm not a scammer, I have lots of positive feedback here and other places