Well-Known Member
They will probably modify Schedule 1 to accommodate these changes. If I was using it today I would probably put the 1099-k amount on line 8 z and any documented cost on line 24 z.With being a tax CPA, I have been getting this question all the time. If you get over $600 cumulative from Paypal or Venmo goods and services then you will get a 1099-K. The IRS could care less about money sent via friends and family as long as it is below the annual gift exclusion and as long as it is for nontaxable items (holiday or birthday gift, paying someone for your share of rent, etc).
Most items we sell on here are at a loss (well maybe a slight gain because with the shortage everyone is selling at a high price right now) so it should not matter. The issue being, nobody really knows how strict the IRS is going to be on this as it was just announced not long ago. Technically they could require documentation on the original purchase price, which 99% of the time most of us do not have and will force us to pay tax on it or guestimate our purchase price. Which if the IRS ever questions they will likely disregard and make you pay tax anyways. I will keep looking for updated guidance on this.
But remember we were all promised no tax increases on anyone making under $400k/year lol FJB