Want budget 338 RUM or 338 Lapua

It wouldn't hurt to price out that Mk V action. Then check with some smiths to see how much to get it chambered and installed maybe right around what you were looking to spend any way.
My first lapua was a savage 110 HS. I believe it's the same as the chassis rifle, but with a HS precision stock instead. I could never make it shoot under 1/2 moa. But it would shoot 3/4 ish with almost anything I fed it. Never shot it past 500 yrds. It came with a 20 moa rail for around 1400$ if memory serves. For the money, hard to beat.
Here ya go


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Anything I say to that question is liable to get me shot in the butt here....

I have 50 Beowolf, and Winchester Model 70 30.06, among several other, much lesser calibers. I want to round out my collection with a true, long range powerhouse.

Please, I've done a good bit of research, and narrowed it down to these two as my choices and if the guns were available, would already have one of the two. Yes, I would like something with a 26 to 28" barrel, at least.

I have a nice new 338LM Surgeon Remedy that some ppl would find affordable.

seriously, find a Rem 700 or Savage 110. Be very careful with a used RUM, Edge or 338LM. All it takes is some chooch to fire 5 to 10 quick shots and you have a heat cracked barrel. If you are going that route try to buy it locally. Invest in a bore scope. If you cannot find a safe queen like new rifle, find a used Mag length 700 or Savage with a LM bolt face. Buy a remage or Savage pre chambered barrel and start new. 26" is too short IMO. 28" is min. Or buy a 28-30" blank from someone like Greg Young at Southern Precision/Bugholes. Blueprint the action and have a match chambered barrel installed. That's if you are seriously expecting to hit things past 1000 yards. 338s are expensive plinking vehicles. At times I will go to a range for 4 hours and just shoot 5 cold bore rounds. LASTLY, watch the online gun auctions. A lot of the big bore stuff has been going in your price range.
Dont overlook a Rem Sendero in 338 Rum. So close to the LM that unless you are regularly shooting 2000 yards + it doesn't matter which.

On the other hand, if you are not going to load and want one just because you want one, then yahoo
Im with Gcan on part of this find a Sendero they are out there it will take some hunting and patience then you have a turnkey so to speak long range hammer in 338 RUM. I own several 33 cals and i shoot my 340 WTBY way more then either of my RUMS or Lapua. I think it has alot to do with the fact I have shot it forever and it just feels right. The 340 is no slouch Ive shot it consistently to 800 yards it just doesnt like 300 grainers. Put a 250 in it and it shoots great. Be patient the right deal will come around. Good luck
I have a bunch of custom rifles all of which are quite accurate; in 33 caliber I have an Edge and a Lapua; love them. But I also have a Savage Lapua that is totally stock; this thing is super accurate. I used to write for shooting mags and got it to review; since it was so accurate, I bought it. But I will say all of the Savage rifles I tested back then were stunningly accurate. If you can find a Savage, buy it.
15 shots out of a Savage 112 lapua over the course of about 4 hours.


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I sold my burned out barrel Weatherby Accumark 30-378. I was going to convert it to a 338-378 with another 28 inch barrel.

That is a super nice .338 The ability to put up to 120 grains of powder or down load it to all the smaller 338 velocities.
I've been looking for a budget, under 1500$ 338 RUM or 338 Lapua bolt action, and everything is sold out, and god only knows if or when the Remingtons will ever be built again.

Is there a good candidate for conversion to one of these calibers that I might find used? I would be happy with an MOA or slightly higher gun. I don't do competition nor extreme long range shooting.


Here. Chk out this auction.
15 shots out of a Savage 112 lapua over the course of about 4 hours.
They shoot well above their cost. Value of $5000 rifle -IF- you get it new or get one that's been treated well. Nice thing bout them is many ppl buy them because they don't go BOOM! They go KA-F*^%#€NG-BOOM and they WANT one. Kinda like when you are smitten by a beautiful woman. At first you have shinny new toy. You buy ammo. You shoot it a bit. Then you realize 9 times out of 10 you are shooting your 2000 yard beast at 300 yards. Then you wake to how much it costs to shoot it regularly so you don't. Then you start shooting your 308 again. The Beast goes in the safe. And then one day you want the next shinny new rifle and the beast goes on gunbroker. The end.
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