VV N570 in the 300 RUM


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2009
Boise, Idaho
Well I dropped the coin for a pound of N570, doesn't seem to be much data out there for bullet weights above 200gr.
I am using the berger 230gr hybrid OTM bullets, my gun seems to like these. With Retumbo I was getting good groups with 88gr. 88gr of N570 seems to shoot good, but 89gr seems to be too much. Anyone else using this powder in their RUM's???
I am seating them at 3.660 and am using 215m primers.
I don't own a chrono so I am not sure how fast they are going.
Jeff (Broz) found a boost in velocity when he tried it in 300 Win mag. Might be something to gain in the RUM as well.
Thank you eklarsen, I did forget to leave out a question. My question was, because I couldn't find any data with any larger bullet then 200gr and I am shooting a 230gr, was it ok to go ahead and start out where I was when I was using retumbo.
I was hoping someone else might be using N570 in there RUM and could offer some advice.
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