Teri, I think you are confusing 'fit and feel' with technical specs.
Eye relief is the distance from the scope lens to the maximum optimum exit pupil (how far away your eye should be to get the most amount of light with the most clarity) and how much you can move your head around (x/y axis) and still maintain a clear AND full view is the eye box (a realitive spec related to the dimensions of the exit pupil and how big/small it gets the closer/further away you move from optimum relief; i). The size of the exit pupil and eye box inversely changes with the magnification. A set up variation should only really result from secondary lenses (glasses) as vision should be corrected by the focus and glasses/contacts. So my optimum functional eye relief will be different than yours but will also be consistent from any one scope to another.
All this are technical specifications not an adjustable thing, even the glasses and vision.
If the spec releif is 100mm. (mm for easy math) and usable eye box is +10mm and my offset (glasses) is +5mm. My set up will be a min of 105mm with an eye box between 105-115mm releif from lens to eye and a more likely set up of 110mm from lens to eye.
The HSt 4-16x44 is 4.0in. Where YOU put the scope in relation to YOUR eye has nothing to do with the scope. The eye box if fairly generous on the HS and I assume should be the same as the HST and LR. I like the glass and functions well but I ONLY use it for hunting. I rarely, if ever, use the turrets.
A short eye relief and small eye box will put your eye lashes on the lens and you won't be able to breathe on one extreme and be able to do jumping jacks 10ft back on the other extreme.
My bausch and lomb on a mostly bench CZ 22lr/wmr/17 has a short releif (2.5-2.75in) and small ish eye box. And I like it. It's as clear as nearly anything I've seen and I like to lean into it. Would I hunt with it. F*** NO. I'd smash my glasses with very shot from my 308 (tikka so it kicks). The vortex viper HS has an eye box just short of 4in and a moderate to good eye box, great for my 308 and hunting. A vortex that came with a rifle (no idea what one, I used it as a hammer for a joke, makes a good hammer) had a relief of about 0.0001 but a massive eye box, seriously massive. Steiner gs3 releif is about +4.25in from my glasses and I can just about do jumping jacks, thats for mags.
Hold the rifle, put your face where it needs to be, move the scope to place the exit pupil as close to your eye's lens as possible (relief distance as per spec sheet of the scope) and you should be VERY close to where it needs to be.
Eye relief and exit pupil size are objective measurements. Comfort is subjective. If you like it closer or further away so be it, but the specs are the specs. Don't confuse the feel of a sports car and a tractor just because they are both Lamborghinis. And dont confuse a corvette with a mustang because they are both sports cars. Different scopes for different strokes, or something like that.
Base your choices on the specs and you'll be happier for it. Until colour comes into it. That really IS subjective.