Vortex Viper HS 1/2 adjustments.....too much??


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
I am considering this scope for a couple of guns to hunt with. I will also be punching paper with a couple of these out to around 1000 yards. My question is about the 1/2 adjustments up and down. Is this too much? I know that husky and greybull are going 1/3 to get further out in one rotation, but ****. Is 1/2 gonna make it a little hard for takeing small animals like yotes at those long distances? I wouldnt think it would be very good at all for trying to punch paper really accurately way out there. Am I over thinking this? Are any of you useing 1/2 adjustments now? How do you like them? Thanks
I am wondering the same thing. I like the idea of 24 MOA in a turn but may not be too precise.
I am wondering the same thing. I like the idea of 24 MOA in a turn but may not be too precise.
I don't mind 1/2" on DG scopes but no more then 1/4" on hunting rifles out to several hundred yds, but long range like 1000yds, I want 1/8" clicks. 1/2 moa, one click is a big adjustment at 1000 yds.
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At 1k, 1 MOA is 10.47"

1/2 of that is 5.235"

one click with a value of 1/2 MOA = 5.235" at 1000yds. In other words, you are moving your point of impact 5.235" with every click when at 1k yds.

half that is 2.6175" at 500yds so one click with a value of 1/2 MOA per click at 500 yds moves the POI 2.6175".

I like the idea of 1/2 clicks, in that it is quick to acquire the amount of correct clicks for a hunting rifle but I'm not real confident in that statement yet. It will not be as precise, but the speed of dialing is cool, with then knowing the distance for minute (small) holdover/under is a must. I heard somewhere that some military snipers prefer (or preferred) 1 MOA clicks. It allows them to get on target quickly and they know from experience where to hold from there.

The .1 mil turrets (.36" at 100yds) are a compromise between the much dialing 1/4 MOA and the not-so-precise 1/2 MOA. I wouldn't be opposed to any of these listed though, just practice with whatever you have.
Looks to me like Husky and Loopy nailed it with 1/3. It looks like the perfect compromise. Oh well, maybe I will keep looking. I think 1/2 is alittle much for me.
elk wonder, i was just wondering if you decided on scopes yet? i am in the same boat right now looking at the viper hs lr. this would be my first scope using the turrets to adjust for range, so i dont know much about it. but i was thinking if you got custom turrets from viper wouldnt it make it better with 1/2. again like i said i dont know much about this stuff but if all your dialing is to the number on the turret to match yardage (2=200yd etc) wouldnt the faster (bigger) adjustment get you there quicker, therefore better? let me know what you decided if you dont mind. thanks
I guess I don't understand your issue from the previous post. In terms of 1/2 minute vs 1/4 minute clicks, the 1/2 minute is not as precise as 1/4 minute clicks.

At 1k yards 1 MOA is 10.47" and a half minute click would be worth 5.235" so your bullet impact would move over 5" with every click.

A 1/4 MOA click only moves the bullet impact point 2.6175" at 1k, or 1/2 the distance of the 1/2 minute click value. 1/8 MOA click value is then effectively half of that. Most bench rest guys use 1/8 MOA click value for its precision.

I'm not saying one is better than the other, just noting precision.

I prefer something a little quicker than 1/4, but not quite 1/2, and that is 1/10 Mil at 3.6" at 1k, although I prefer half over quarter. Most of my shooting is < 1k and I don't have any real "tack drivers" anyway, so all the precision doesn't benefit me much.

If you have a custom turret that matches your rifle's ballistics makes no difference. If click value is 1/2 minute value or greater you may need to fudge your aim a little at longer distances. Did all that come out right on my blackberry?:D
for long range you wont have much precision. But I have this exact scope and love it. I am a mid range hunter 400-600 at most. I love the speed you get and when your margin of error depends on the size of your game, the .5click value works out fine for me. about 2.5inches per click at 500 yards isnt bad at all for me. And where I dont get all day to take shots, I need the extra speed. its all about what you need man.
ya that was good thanks. my situation sounds kinda like yours. it is a hunting rifle and i am really only wanting to go out to 500 maybe 600 yards.
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