Vortex UHD 18’s vs Maven 18’s


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2021
Has anyone on the forum done a side by side of these binos? I've had the vortex but the eye box is extremely touchy as well as the focus. It's probably just a side effect of high power binos but now that I've sold them, I miss them and am considering getting another pair.
I also have the Vortex 18's and have the same issues as you. My remedy has been to never use them freehand but always on a tripod. I think your assessment of them just being high powered is correct. I looked at the Mavens during my search and they were the other finalist but all the U-tube vids I watched convinced me to purchase the Vortex. Most of all, in my estimation, the brand is too new and untested. I'm sure the Maven fan boys will chime in to refute me...
I had the maven 18s for a little while. No direct comparison. But I found the depth of field to be short—ie had to constantly run the focus wheel. Otherwise they were very good optically. Tried the maven 15s and they were excellent, definitely easier to use. Better FOV than 18s and just plain easier to get behind. Didn't miss the 3x magnification. Sold them and then found a screaming deal on the swaro 15s which I plan to keep for a long time.

I think 15s are just easier to use than 18s overall. Doubt switching brands will make a huge difference.