Vortex Extreme - World Class Competition - Wanna go?


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2004
Blackfoot, Idaho
I'm thinking very seriously about giving this a go.

I've been there and the 7 miles isn't a cake walk. I drove my HIV-II :rolleyes:

50 teams of young bucks. . .

Being 70, out of shape and missing some decent body parts I have to wonder a bit. However, there are medical stations in place.:cool::cool:

Most of the entrants will be from UT. Would really like for an outofstater beat their pants off.

I don't have an up to speed spotter but will try to get someone up to speed by then. I suppose both team members shoot.

It looks like I may have Townsend pretty much to myself this week end. Will use the day to seriously confirm drops, dope wind and learn some stuff.

After Townsend I'll do a few rounds as SpriitRidge to learn the terrain and wind. Can use a UTV for that stuff.:)

Even if I choose not to enter I'll do what I can for anyone that does.
Best of luck to you. Would like to know how you do.

Been contemplating entering next year hopefully. Or as soon as I can walk up a flight of stairs without sucking wind. Just joking but would need to be in better shape
I'm thinking very seriously about giving this a go.

I've been there and the 7 miles isn't a cake walk. I drove my HIV-II :rolleyes:

50 teams of young bucks. . .

Being 70, out of shape and missing some decent body parts I have to wonder a bit. However, there are medical stations in place.:cool::cool:

Most of the entrants will be from UT. Would really like for an outofstater beat their pants off.

I don't have an up to speed spotter but will try to get someone up to speed by then. I suppose both team members shoot.

It looks like I may have Townsend pretty much to myself this week end. Will use the day to seriously confirm drops, dope wind and learn some stuff.

After Townsend I'll do a few rounds as SpriitRidge to learn the terrain and wind. Can use a UTV for that stuff.:)

Even if I choose not to enter I'll do what I can for anyone that does.

Roy, I participated in it last year and will be there this year also. It is actually alot of fun and the course really has only one big climb in it and you can take your time although you won't be in the money. They do change it year after year somewhat so who knows exactly what it will be. As I recall, we did it in 2 and something hours and it was HOT. And we were deemed "the old guys" but finished in front of alot of the young guys. Last year, you had 7 minutes for both of the shooters to get set up, range and acquire the targets and shoot. Sometimes multiple shots at each station---it went by pretty fast.

I also plan of shooting it this year.

Randy, I am in a little better shape than I was for the Elk Hunt last year. It should be alot of fun.

What you guys planning of shooting?

I can't decide on the 06 or the 243. gun)
I'm checking it out. Spectator not shooter, range reopens Monday shoot the course then. I've got a Utah hunting license I never use. Maybe take the ATVs and hunt coyotes a day. Tim Titus from No Off Seasons son, and nephew are teamed up. Should be a good day to watch and learn.
Did anyone make it? The "kids" did shoot as Team No Off Season. They had a few extra challenges. Ben found his barrel was shot out without enough time to replace it. He ended up shooting my rifle. And, Gus wast diagnosed with a stress fracture in his foot two days before the competition and had to be ambulanced from station to station in the Ranger while Ben ran the course.

With only one runner, they didn't get any credit for their time and finished tied for tenth and eleventh. They would have placed sixth had they been able to count their time score. I was pretty proud of them for their first time out. Ben did win the Bullseye Camera System Challenge at the end of the event. It was a one-shot-winner-takes-all at 500 yards. They actually had to have a shoot-off as the closest two shots were both within 1 1/4" of the bull. You can check out a more complete write-up on our FaceBook page if you're interested at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/No-Off-Season/110810752329946?ref=tn_tnmn

Spirit Ridge does a good job hosting the event. They give away a lot of good prizes and it's run pretty smoothly. We'll definitely be back next year. The guys have been strategizing since they got done. :cool:
The friend I usually travel with lost his job. We planned on shooting the course at least once this year. So we ended up scrapping the trip.
HC: I'd still like to shoot a round of golf. We'll have to plan a trip one of these days.
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