Joe King
Well-Known Member
The classic Hunter was designed specifically just for rifles like yours, where the magazine, and or throat tends to limit COALgun)
I have 3 6x284's never tried the 115, what are you getting vel. and load data?
i agree, i shoot a custom interarms commercial mauser in 7mm rem mag and i have great accuracy with 168 gr hunting vlds. the magazine is too short to get close to the lands. and they actually shoot better for me jumping them.Its the best bullet I have ever used for long range shooting. I know many hunters that have seen the same results. If long range shooting is your goal, I would try the 168 Hunting VLD's, if your rifle's twist rate is compatible. I wouldn't necessarily write off the short magazine length on the 7mm Mag. I seat my VLD's well off the lands and get excellent accuracy and ES.