Viper question

25 Otter

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
I have been looking for another 4X-12X for a 30-06 I have here. I have been buying the VXII A.O. the last while back. I was wondering if anyone here has the Vortex Viper with the power ring thingy? I would like to try one of the Viper scopes and the 4X-12X will fit my needs nicely. I'm just not sure what I think of the magnification ring thing sticking up on the eye piece. Anyone here have one of these?
I have 3 Vortex Vipers with variable power. I never noticed the ring "sticking up" I think it is a positive thing as the shooter can observe the power setting from behind the scope. Plus I think it looks very nice too.

Jeff gun)gun)
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