Views from my coyote calling blind.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2019
Thirty foot tower on a fabulous property surrounded by 22000 acres of non accessible forest, doctors place,1/4 mile from my house,no coyote can ever make you and you can see em coming a long way off. Will show the tower exterior tomorrow turrets all the way around, dozens fell here ,a 22 suffices in most cases, the weedy field is where i place my caller. Most approach from the woods, then beeline it to the fence and sneak along it.With my crosshairs on them. Can't see, hear or smell you.


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Well that's interesting Ohlongarm , pretty nice country you live in if I ever figure out how to I'll post some pictures of the country that I live and call in . I know it's not politically correct but I'm techtarded .
Well that's interesting Ohlongarm , pretty nice country you live in if I ever figure out how to I'll post some pictures of the country that I live and call in . I know it's not politically correct but I'm techtarded .
I'm one step in front of you at best, I'm lucky to live here, shouldn't be, but the man upstairs directed me here, and here I am.Would rather live where your at but wife hates snow,all in all my backyard is 22000 acres, with no human encroachment. And all the big wigs with acreage allow me unlimited access to their properties as well.
We normally get more cold then snow . We will get snow then some above freezing and wind that piles it into drifts . It's interesting how it works here . This is my home and has been most of my life . When I was 8 my parents moved me to southern Indiana the day we got there I told them I would never stay there . I came home at 13 to stay with my grand parents for summers then went back there for school .
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