To my eyes is appears as though the button die which is pulled along the inside of the barrel to cut the barrels lands and also forms the grooves in spec with the correct barrel twist was not in T.I.R. (total indicated run out of factory tolerances) and cut deeper into one side of the bore than another.
If Savage lives up to their name I would send those photographs to them and hopefully customer service will rectify the issue. This is just carelessness on the part of the assembly technician and how for the life of me did this assembly pass through Savage's QC Department?
Luckily though the barrels proof marks will tell Savage Arms who the hell OK'd this weapon, and should have caught this error before it was sent out.
As I understand it Savage Arms fires each weapon at a target set At 100 yards and not only checks the weapons functionality,but accuracy !
Please do not let this matter go unchallenged !
To me as an American Vet, it is simply a matter of that made in the USA label standing for American know how and craftsmanship.
What else need be said!