Guys, thanks for the input, keep it coming, some good points, ive cut and pasted em and i'm putting a presentation together to show the R&D team. You guys are talking direct to the R&D of one of the worlds most prominent optics companies. This is a great opertunity.
I don't see Buck Rogers type kit bieng the out come, swarovski treid the intergral range finder and it was a flop( bad R&B and poor market research) fire control similar to a MBT would be unethical for hunting and prone to malfunction in a war environment.
Intregral bases are interesting, and some of the scope manufacturers have them, but to me they limit mounting options and are not a field tough as a good set of rings. An internal anti cant device should help with the mounting cant problems, i have long since marked my scope tubes for TDC, this would be a good addition, a reference mark, of course there can be problems with in accurate machined recievers, bieng able to rotate the scope to line it up with the vertical centre of the bore does help us cancell this out.
This is a super opertunity for all us guys, long range hunters, snipers, F class shooters, LE, Mil and Civie alike. I aim to make the most of it for us..
Cheers Pete /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif