I work in TV/Film for a living and specifically Advertising.
I get the point and I can see what you're going for but in all honesty because I like the product and I know how good it is, you have to be very careful at how you put yourself out in the public eye and this commercial kills your credibility.
Only the "in" crowd will know your product well enough and they will be able to look past it but thats not what advertising is for, it's to attract new and get people excited.
There's a rule with advertising, if your test audience doesn't say "wow" or get blown away, Don't Air it because it only hurts you. EVEN ON YOUTUBE.
Simple but Excellent B-Roll of the product in studio and just a few in field shots would make that product Blow people away and get excited. Even some After Effects work would help polish quite a bit. Then you'd be able to compete Nationally in media on a small budget easy.
Keep going. Great Product.