Litz's test was so seriously flawed, it can be completely ignored. I don't know why EC didn't call him out directly on Litz's total failure to follow the instructions. The test was doomed to fail before the first shot was fired.
There were several major faults. First, EC clearly directs to set the tuner to 0 and then shoot in increments of 2 marks. So 0,2,4,6,8, etc. There are 9 marks per barrel rotation, and a tune is normally found in the first rotation but you can try more. But Litz never tested that way. Instead, he only tested the first mark of each full revolution, for example mark 0,10,20,30,40, etc. Of those rotations, he chose the best one and then proceded to micro adjust the settings, example mark 30 three full turns shot best so then he tried 31,32,33, etc. This alone nullifies the "test". EC NEVER said that's how to test. Litz tested a method that bobody EVER claimed works.
Litz did not say if/when he adjusted the tension screws, he likely did for each mark. EC says never adjust them because that throws off the tune and it's not repeatable.
Litz's guns were not probably accurate enough to notice a fine tune. Litz says he struggled to keep his control groups in the 0.4" to 0.6" range. Maybe his guns were not accurate enough, maybe it was the ammo, maybe it was the shooter. You have to have an accurate system in order to see the difference fine tuning makes.
There's more faults, but I'm tired of typing.