TSX or Bergers?


Aug 11, 2006
I shoot a 7mm stw with 140 gr tsx. I am interested if anyone has done any tests comparing bergers and tsx at long range? Which one has the higher BC and would fly flatter at long ranges? I here a lot of good things about Bergers but haven't talked to anyone that has proof if they are better to use or not.
The TSX are very accurate and have first rate terminal ballstics,but the Bergers wins the bc race hands down,no contest.I have not used the Bergers on game,but many people have and they seem to like ther performance

I shoot a 7mm stw with 140 gr tsx. I am interested if anyone has done any tests comparing bergers and tsx at long range? Which one has the higher BC and would fly flatter at long ranges? I here a lot of good things about Bergers but haven't talked to anyone that has proof if they are better to use or not.

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you should try both and make your own assumption. I like the bergers but i know there limitations. Under 200 yards gets nothing but behind the shoulder. where as a tsk you can put it where you want. I hunt where a 800+ yard shot is possible and use the best bullet for my hunting style.If you can not shoot over 300 yards where you hunt then some other bullet might be better.


Berger is now promoting thier bullets as hunting bullets...........
Personally what i have seen with bergers on game at long range is the reason why i wont use them. I have seen a whitetail sustain 6 shots with none of them showing much sign of expansion, actually the first couple preformed just like a FMJ. This was at 500-600yds, same results on pdogs around 1100yds. Now this was with a 6mm at very low velocity. In a 7mm i think you will experince better results. Personnaly for long range game bullets I prefer polymer tipped bullets and the new aluminum tipped wildcats, they just ensure better expansions. I dont have much experince with the barnes bullets but they will penetrate like a SOB and as long as they open up they should do plenty of damage. I also hear the TSX dont have all the prob's the X bullet used too.

take it easy
180 grian TSX out of 300 Win. Mag at 300 yards

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how are they at 800? do they open up?

I took these 2 Antelope a couple years ago with the 180 TSX one of them at 280 yards and the other obe at 777 Yards.The wounds channels looked identical to me.Both bullets were pass throughs and both were DRT kills....

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