TSA approved gun case recommendations

I also highly recommend non tsa locks. I ALWAYS request being present for the inspection and will only allow my case to be opened while present. Every airport is different, some require your presence, others dont want you present. I always ask and have never been told no. With a gun, scope, spotter, rf, binos and accessories all in one case (pelican 800) I wont use tsa locks period and have never had an issue as it would take months to replace everything. Tsa laws require you to be the only one to unlock your case anyhow. You have a bundle or money tied up in flying, cases, firearm(s) and everything else you're traveling with. A 15-30 wait on hold is well worth the phone call to your airline to answer any questions including if they allow ammo in the case or if it has to be in other checked baggage.
Only gun I ever fly with are pistols. I just put them in a $5 plastic case and put a 50 cent padlock on it then right into my pair of dikes to cut their flippen industrial zip tie they put on it some times. I check it right in the airport baggage claim to make sure it is still in the case. Sometimes they send it to the special room to pick up by bag, and they have to get a supervisor to let me open my
Only gun I ever fly with are pistols. I just put them in a $5 plastic case and put a 50 cent padlock on it then right into my suitcase with a pair of dikes to cut their flippen industrial zip tie they put on it some times. I check it right in the airport baggage claim to make sure it is still in the case. Sometimes they send it to the special room to pick up by bag, and they have to get a supervisor to let me open my own case.

Only gun I ever fly with are pistols. I just put them in a $5 plastic case and put a 50 cent padlock on it then right into my suitcase with a pair of dikes to cut their flippen industrial zip tie they put on it some times. I check it right in the airport baggage claim to make sure it is still in the case. Sometimes they send it to the special room to pick up by bag, and they have to get a supervisor to let me open my own case.
Come on now! At some point I have to call B.S. on these articles...I doubt you could get even ONE DYKE in a suitcase...let alone a PAIR OF DYKES! TSA for sure isn't going to allow that!
On the internet one can find groups of tin hat wearers proselytizing any number of things up to and including that the world is flat. I prefer experience, all I have is my own. I have logged over 100k air miles per year for the last two decades domestically and internationally. I travel every year to underdeveloped countries in Asia and the americas. In all of those untold numbers of flights I have only ever had a bag lost twice, neither were gun cases. Nothing of value was in these they were just lost. Airline baggage systems are amazingly complex mechanisms but yet still function perfectly the great majority of the time. Like all systems sometimes they experience failure. In my opinion its amazing this failure doesn't happen more often.
I travel extensively as well for my business, and pleasure, I have had on several occassions luggage lost. In one case the luggage was put on a wrong plane on departure, finally received the bag on the last day of my business trip of my three week business trip. Then the same bag got lost on the return trip back and based upon the stickers on the baggage, the luggage actually had a better itinerary then I had flown. By the time the airline found my bag and it was finally returned back to me the luggage was damaged beyond repair, although the contents were undamaged. I have never had the occasion to where my luggage was lost and not returned.
Traveling by air to hunt this spring in SD.
Anyone have suggestions on approved gun cases to look for purchasing. Hadn't traveled with gun flying in 10 years. Don't need any surprises at airport. Seems TSA/airports vary in hunter treatment in the past, hope that's changed for the better.
I purchased a gun case from Harbor Freight a while back, an Apache it is a pelican clone, I have not had a chance to fly with it mine has wheels on it, I got mine on sale for about $110.00 iit has a pressureized release valve on it. Here is the link, https://www.harborfreight.com/merch...f-protective-rifle-case-long-green-58657.html
I have 4 Plano cases that I have flown with many times. They each have 4 to 6 latches depending on size and 2 of those are locking latches. I don't use extra padlocks, although there are holes for them.
Plano cases are strong, well padded and have pressure release valves for flying.
Ammo needs to be in mags or original box that isolates each round so a primer can't be struck.
A lucky TSA agent collected around 300 rounds of .223 loose packed ammo from me once and I'm careful not to repeat that experience.


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Traveling by air to hunt this spring in SD.
Anyone have suggestions on approved gun cases to look for purchasing. Hadn't traveled with gun flying in 10 years. Don't need any surprises at airport. Seems TSA/airports vary in hunter treatment in the past, hope that's changed for the better.
I have a pelican,
Traveling by air to hunt this spring in SD.
Anyone have suggestions on approved gun cases to look for purchasing. Hadn't traveled with gun flying in 10 years. Don't need any surprises at airport. Seems TSA/airports vary in hunter treatment in the past, hope that's changed for the better.

Traveling by air to hunt this spring in SD.
Anyone have suggestions on approved gun cases to look for purchasing. Hadn't traveled with gun flying in 10 years. Don't need any surprises at airport. Seems TSA/airports vary in hunter treatment in the past, hope that's changed for the better.
I have a pelican1750, SKB and a Tuff-Pak
The last time I flew Delta with the pelican I had big cuts and rub spots. I patched with JB weld and painted "Fixed". My Tuff-Pak I have taken too Africa three times. Nice to have room for clothes and my extra padded gun case. It's scuffed up a bit but it's my go to case. I don't have TSA locks but, my business card is epoxied to the outside and inside. Cell phone number high lighted and under lined in red. If the TSA wants to look i want to be present to open my case.
Pelican for me too.
I also like Pelicans. But be aware, you must have a TSA approved lock on EACH END of the case, not just in the center. The only places I've found the locks are newsstands in airports and nice luggage stores in shopping centers. And test them ahead of time because some have a hasp or cable that is too short to lock in the holes on the Pelican case.
Traveling by air to hunt this spring in SD.
Anyone have suggestions on approved gun cases to look for purchasing. Hadn't traveled with gun flying in 10 years. Don't need any surprises at airport. Seems TSA/airports vary in hunter treatment in the past, hope that's changed for the better.
Have numerous Pelican cases......1700, 1720, 1750, and the big boy 1770 for MRAD MK22 Deployment Kit. Never any damage to contents or even case itself.......frustrating for gorilla baggage handlers. :) :) They are HEAVY. Watch your overall packed weight. Have also used Harbor Freight Apache 9800 ($170 MSRP; have bought as low as $99) long case with identical performance/gorilla frustration. Master locks on each available lock point.
I have used the Pelican and Plano. They need to be hard case lockable. Your best bet is to call your airline. The second thing to ask is how they want the ammunition. I had airlines that allowed it in the rifle case, and I had airlines that wanted it in a locked box in the rifle case or on its own.
The airline rules, published on their websites CLEARLY state the ammo has to be in a separate suitcase of duffel bag (yes, a duffel is ok), and has to be in the original ammo box, or a hard plastic box (MTM) that keeps the cartridges from rattling around. If you load your own, and just want to take them in cardboard, I'm sure you could pack your rounds in a factory ammo box. Just NEVER make the mistake of putting ammo in the gun case. Another rule (I've flown with weapons dozens of times and had conversations with the ticket agents): no part of the gun (pistol or rifle) may be in your carryon bag, eg the bolt, or even shotgun chokes.
Yes, because you lock it in front TSA agent and then give it to them, it does not have to be TSA lock. I use good quality master locks, four locks same key! Went all the way to S Africa and back!
Master Lock Heavy Duty Outdoor Padlock with Key, 1-3/4 in. Wide, 1-1/2 in. Shackle, 4 Pack
In the airports I travel through, only the ticket counter agent sees me put the signed card in the case, and apply the locks. If I apply non-TSA approved Locks, they have me wait 10 minutes to see if a TSA agent (behind the scenes) wants me to open the case for inspection.
Traveling by air to hunt this spring in SD.
Anyone have suggestions on approved gun cases to look for purchasing. Hadn't traveled with gun flying in 10 years. Don't need any surprises at airport. Seems TSA/airports vary in hunter treatment in the past, hope that's changed for the better.
I use a pelican be advised airlines have their own rules. Last trip they told me I needed 4 locks although TSA rules only required 2
We all gave you our experiences how we travelled with firearms. If I were you, I would still call the airline to make sure what they require! For both firearm and ammunition.
Their up-to-date requirements should be published on their website. When I was a little surprised by some of them, I printed them off and carried them in my carryon, in case the ticket agent contradicted them. Not all the agents are well informed, and not all are pro-hunting.
In fact, I've found Southwest to be the friendliest to hunters, followed by American, Delta, and United (least of all). My Yukon outfitter urges his clients to NOT fly United into Yellowhorse because too many of his clients' rifle cases have arrived late. He gave us a list of local small Canadian carriers that are very pro-hunter.
Just be aware the excellent Pelicans are pretty heavy. With two rifles and optics, it gets crowded, and you might approach 50# if you put any ammunition inside. I have thought about taking the scopes in a carry-on. Has anybody done that?
I have not taken my scope off for fear of losing zero. But I do carry all of my expensive electronics and optics in my carryon.
In the airports I travel through, only the ticket counter agent sees me put the signed card in the case, and apply the locks. If I apply non-TSA approved Locks, they have me wait 10 minutes to see if a TSA agent (behind the scenes) wants me to open the case for inspection.
The last two times I flew out of Houston, TSA agent had to inspect it, then I locked it and he took it from me. Every place is different, even though the rules are supposed to be "National" . In one airport in S. Africa they allowed the ammo in the rifle box, in another, same trip, they made me put it in a different box. Safest bet is to check ahead of time.
I offered all I know and now time to unwatch
Safe travels and successful hunt!