Trying to post scope question

Range is flat here in Kansas I have went through all scenarios and could not come up with an answer I can't explain it was hoping maybe someone else had see this happen before thanks for spending your time trying to answer my question. David
Range is flat here in Kansas I have went through all scenarios and could not come up with an answer I can't explain it was hoping maybe someone else had see this happen before thanks for spending your time trying to answer my question. David
Ok, does this occur every outing? Or one or 2 isolated incidents. Updrafts or terrain changes make bullets do funny things, you have eliminated terrain. We all have a favorite location to shoot, but 1 or 2 days a yr we get our butts kicked by something unexpected..
Don't know happened with two different rifles Richard a friend of mine has same deal going on with his 6mm Remington we thought maybe was something to do with 3rd moa scopes his come up clicks are less between 5 and 6 hundred it shouldn't be happening it doesn't do that with my 1/4 moa nightforce. David
Don't know happened with two different rifles Richard a friend of mine has same deal going on with his 6mm Remington we thought maybe was something to do with 3rd moa scopes his come up clicks are less between 5 and 6 hundred it shouldn't be happening it doesn't do that with my 1/4 moa nightforce. David

I think if you post your drop chart with appropriate clicks we can see if there is an error or what you're describing may not be an issue at all.
200 yard zero 300 5.6 clicks 400 12.1 clicks 500 19.5.clicks 600 24.7 clicks 700 36.7 800 46.7. This is a 6mm Remington 105 berger running 3070 fps all shots are hitting on target with this dope can't figure out why less clicks between 500 and 600. David
200 yard zero 300 5.6 clicks 400 12.1 clicks 500 19.5.clicks 600 24.7 clicks 700 36.7 800 46.7. This is a 6mm Remington 105 berger running 3070 fps all shots are hitting on target with this dope can't figure out why less clicks between 500 and 600. David
Common sense right now with data you provided, your 400 yard target is not in the right spot, be 425-430.
These things usually turn out to be simple mistakes, verify target ranges.
200 yard zero 300 5.6 clicks 400 12.1 clicks 500 19.5.clicks 600 24.7 clicks 700 36.7 800 46.7. This is a 6mm Remington 105 berger running 3070 fps all shots are hitting on target with this dope can't figure out why less clicks between 500 and 600. David
Hate to point this have the same happening between 7&8......
The drop, thus number of clicks, will always vary and have to be charted for each load and each bullet type. It may vary due to temperature, altitude, humidity etc as well. What was spot on on a warm afternoon may not be spot on in the morning when it is cool and humid. A ballistic chart for a given load will get you in the ball park but the only way to be sure is actually shooting at each distance to verify.
It doesn't make sense but I've seen some crazy things.

I think the targets aren't at the mentioned distances, or there might be some weird phenomenon, mayve an upward wind drift

This reminds me of a 3 gun match I went to. Most of the matches only shoot out to 1-200 yards around my location. With the except 1, which they are capable of 300 yards stages. So on the way to the match in the AM I stopped off at a friends property and confirmed drops with my rifle out to 300 yards. They were spot on. First stage of the day had me on the longest stage which happened to only be set up for 200 yards that day. I was 5-6th shooter up and noticed everyone was having a hard time hitting the 10" poppers. Thinking to myself, this should be a cake walk since I have a 200 yard range in my backyard and I had already confirmed everything was dead on less than an hour prior. Well, I'm up, buzzer goes off and I send the first 6-8 rounds right over the top of the 10" plates. I ended up hitting them dead center by holding on the bottom half with my 100 yard zero!!!! My confidence in my equipment was in the toilet for the rest of the day. I stopped at the property on my way home and once again everything was spot on. 100,200 and 300. Everyone I talked to said they were missing high that day... weird stuff, probably aliens
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