Trying out the new FoxPro Shockwave


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2011
New Mexico
I havnt been able to get out and try out my new FoxPro Shockwave that my wife got me for an early Christmas present and it has been driving me nuts! I finally got out this morning and made three stands. The Shockwave is an awesome piece of equipment to say the least. I really like the remote and being able to move the speakers in different directions is a real plus. The sound is very clear and the remote works well even if the caller is behind a little bit of brush.

The first stand, I set up on the side of a hill. I had heard about three different groups of coyotes calling out at the same time in the mornings that I was deer hunting. I thought this would be a great first stand. I set up and put the call about 40 yards away. I put the FoxJack 3 decoy in and pushed the AUX button on the remote to get the decoy going. I put on the Adult cottontail sound and set the sound at 16. It sounded great. I was looking and looking but never saw anything. Then at about 10 mins into the stand a coyote comes sneaking up not 10 yards from the caller. He was dead set on getting to that decoy. He didn't even notice me moving to get set up for the shot. He was really focused on the decoy. I had to bark at him to stop him and then sent a 100 gr ballistic tip from my 6.5 Grendel his way. He dropped like a rock.


The next stand was found just driving down the highway. I saw a little saddle in between two hills that looked really good. There was some thick cover over on the other side of the saddle and a clear lane of prairie grass on the other side. I set up on the side of the eastern most hill and put the call about 40 yards away. The wind had picked up a little bit but I still set the volume at 16. At about 5 minutes, nothing was coming in so I cranked the volume up to 26. Waited 5 more minutes and looked to my left and saw a large coyote making a bee line straight to the caller and decoy. Again, he was so focused on the decoy that he didn't notice me move. I barked at him and reality must have set in because he turned and started running directly away from me. I sent the 100 gr ballistic tip straight up the poop chute and dropped him in his tracks.


The third and last stand, I went to a new area and set up and ten minutes into the stand, I hear shotguns going off about 200-300 yards away on the other side of the hill that I am on. Its quail season in New Mexico and the shotgun blasts just didn't end so I called it a day. 3 stands and 2 coyotes with my new Shockwave. I was very pleased.

If you are able to spend this kind of money to get the FoxPro Shockwave, I would definitely recommend it. I would also recommend that you get the decoy (FoxJack 3) for the Shockwave as well. I have never seen coyotes come in on a string to the caller like that before. It was amazing.
I would really like to hear how you like that Foxjack 3 after you've had it a while. I have a Shockwave and have called in a number of coyotes with it. I am thinking about adding that Foxjack 3, but want to hear from others experiences with it before I decide to buy it or not.
Will do...those two came running right to it with there tongues hanging out pretty much. Usually they will see me move to shoot (especially as close to me as they were) but these had tunnel vision on that decoy. I will let you know how well it holds up too. The motor is super quiet.
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