Trued actions vs fancy actions

Also be very careful of the 700 actions beginning with the serial# prefix RR. I have one that was trued and blueprinted and it's got Primary Extraction timing issues running as a 300PRC. Sent it off to LRI to be worked on for the PE. I'm now into this action more than a basic custom action. Defiance Tenacity is a nice affordable action. Bergara also makes their Premier action that can be bought at Brownells for around 750-800.
Find a CZ 550 that has a 1 moa guarantee at 600 yards. Its built around a mauser action and it is a tack driver. Older Remingtons are great but the stuff they have put out in the last couple years can be hit or miss.
Hart will put their barrel on your action for $750. Mine shoots like this. Action was $330 $750 for barrel, all the action work. That's rounds 1 2 and 3 out of my 22-250. I bedded the full barrel channel in accuraglass to mcmillan RMR. In my experience a propperly
Worked over Remington 700 is on par with a custom. The only place it lacks is resale value
Also be very careful of the 700 actions beginning with the serial# prefix RR. I have one that was trued and blueprinted and it's got Primary Extraction timing issues running as a 300PRC. Sent it off to LRI to be worked on for the PE. I'm now into this action more than a basic custom action. Defiance Tenacity is a nice affordable action. Bergara also makes their Premier action that can be bought at Brownells for around 750-800.
This is true, the new ones all need primary extraction corrected, but that is also one of the things that should be checked and fixed with a truing job. Its far too common to overlook.
Most all custom actions can be improved as well. So do not assume custom = perfect. I can assure you it does not. They are a better platform to start with however.
This is true, the new ones all need primary extraction corrected, but that is also one of the things that should be checked and fixed with a truing job. Its far too common to overlook.
I agree 100% but usually it's not included in the price of a basic truing job from my experience. Mine required relocation of the handle and fixing the timing. I took mine to the next level and had a m16 extractor and dual ejectors done. I'm not sure of this but the PE may not show up on some of the smaller caliber rigs but it sure did on my 300PRC. Just another reason to seriously consider the custom action in my opinion. I could've bought a Tenacity or any other of the sub $1000 custom actions and saved money and got better quality.

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If remington learned how to put the handles on in the right place and did a slightly smaller firing pin hole they would be heaps better. But they are easy to work on and shoot good. But for sure the biggest issue is the primary extraction. Especially with bigger magnum rounds like the Rums and such.
No doubt some of the custom actions look nice and well they should at the price.

It is simple, If you want a custom action you should buy one, but if you are on a budget, You can find a nice used remington rifle for $350.00 to $450.00 dollars with everything you need to build a rifle. I have bought them for less but that Is the average price if you look. so add the blueprinting to the cost of a good action and you should come in between $600.00 and $700.00 dollars. all of the other part that you want will be the same added price or more if it is a special made part for the custom action.

In some places you can still buy a brand new 700 action.

I have a blue printed action and a factory action both have good barrels and will shoot 1 ragged hole at 200 after seeing mine a friend had a Remington cleaned up and a benchmark barrel put on it and it shoots 1 ragged hole I think j.e. Custom nailed it
The author of the post is from NZ.
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Barnard actions are excellent but they are target actions and not that suitable for carrying around in the field .
The Remington 700 sendero would be an excellent base for the 375 rum project. Talk to Grant at true flite barrels. He will sort you out and he can blue print your action if you want.
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