I have a leica 1600. It is the 3rd rangefinder I have purchased. Tried to go cheap starting out, didnt work. Sold it upgraded a little bit, still didnt work. So now I have this leica hoping this will be my last one. Where I usually hunt is on a powerline I can see about 800 yards. I just cant range the deer when they get out there. The reticule box is bigger than the deer and I get alot of - - -. Also when the deer cross the powerline, I only have a couple seconds to get a shot off most of the time. I had the same problem while sitting on a road too. There are no target reference points along the way to range and draw a range card of. It is just brush on both sides. I know the distance to the poles on the power lines, but because of depth perception I am unable to tell where the deer is and between what power poles. If there were any terrain features I could range them, but there are not. I am unable to plant any terrain features either because it is not my property to be messing with. So my questions are, how do you range a single animal when the reticule is bigger than they are? And also, how do you know ranges when you are sitting on a road or power line and it just looks like a tunnel of brush? Thanks