Heya Phorwath... Lol... No worries as I was just playing a little.
I'll look in my box of extra discarded stuff and see if I still have that jewel. It's for a rem700. If so... I'll send it your way. Seems like I might have given it to my gunsmith so time back as he and I trade computer services for gun work and we really stopped keeping track anymore. I'll look and see cause I know I've got a few triggers wrapped up down there. And no need to trade me... If I find it and you want to give it a shot... It's all yours.
Yeah, I knew you were jaw'in with me... If you have a Jewel trigger for a 700 that's defective functionally but not physically deformed/destroyed, I'll happily pay for shipping as it should also work on a BAT action I just acquired that needs a "wonderful" trigger. Send me PM if you find it and want to be rid of it!