You want to work with real data for at least three different ranges, A "0" range of 100 to 300 yards, a far range that is as long as you can get and still shoot a good group ,and a mid range that is about in the middle. Both chronagraphed speed and manufactures BC can be off slightly so I play with both on the program. First, print a drop chart (Best of the West program) using your veolocity and the Mfg. BC. Make sure all the input data is correct, ie. elevation , temperature, scope height, click value. Be sure to enter your "0" range . Do not enter far range value at this time. Click calculate. This will give you a chart of where you " should" be.
Now this is where things get fun. You can use this data to get you on paper to collect your real data. Your original "O" will remain the same. Your long and mid data are the critical parts. Write down your real 1000 yard data (or whatever distance you are using). Hopefully it is close to the calculated data but what is important is the group average that you have shot. If the chart called for 22 MOA, and you are at 23, (Convert to clicks)record what your gun is doing . Do the same for the mid range. Now go back to the program and enter your real long range data , distance and clicks into the program. By default the program, will float the BC when you click calculate. Now look at your midrange data compared to the new chart. High or low indicate your BC or velocity need to be different. Be sure to write down your initial data and conditions and go back and play with the program by putting the BC back to the original and float the velocity. By playing with the numbers, you can get the chart to match the mid point data. Now your arc of flight will match the drop chart and will be very precise. For big game, a couple of clicks off is OK, but for varmets ,try to get as close as possible. The closer you are also affects where you will hit at 1400 or1500 yards. If you have defined the arc exactly , it will be spot on all the way. Good luck! Post your data and a bunch of guys on here will help.