Total Shoulder replacement...


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2006
Come February I am having a total replacement done on my right shoulder. Now I've had 6 knee surgeries including a total replacement on my right knee. I'm pretty comfy with the rehab routine for knee's.

Those of you who have actually had a total replacement to your shoulder please chime in and let me know how it went.

Come June, I'm having my left knee replaced so it's tune up the body year and get ready for my next half of life. I'll be 63 in November of 21.

I am a PT nazi and I have a great PT guy so I'll handle that end:)

Thanks in advance for your thoughts and comments!
Come February I am having a total replacement done on my right shoulder. Now I've had 6 knee surgeries including a total replacement on my right knee. I'm pretty comfy with the rehab routine for knee's.

Those of you who have actually had a total replacement to your shoulder please chime in and let me know how it went.

Come June, I'm having my left knee replaced so it's tune up the body year and get ready for my next half of life. I'll be 63 in November of 21.

I am a PT nazi and I have a great PT guy so I'll handle that end:)

Thanks in advance for your thoughts and comments!
Brother, I am sorry to hear that; I am sure you would be in great hands, and you'll be up and running in no time.

I have no personal experience, but I have friends that are back to normal now. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Thx Ed,

Just part of the maturing, ok getting older process. I wasn't kind to my body growing up so now I'm paying for it so to speak. It is what it is, and though I mainly shoot off my right side I'm pretty handy off my left and practice more and more that way.
Bumping this up to see if there were any additional comments?

Thx in advance
Im 51 years old did my first full at 44. Its been great. Buuut they are fragile, no more heavy lifting, no hammering. Just did my second one on the other shoulder but this time I just did a resurfacing. If your gonna beat on it. Dont do a full. I made a mistake the first time. I was too young and should of did the resurfacing. Fingers crossed it holds up. They are tough compared to knees. Buy a good ice resurculator. A wedge pillow. Make sure you get a good comfortable sling that holds your arm away from your body. Stay on the pain meds like a job.
Thanks for your reply, after you got it back into shape how was it with recoil?

Also how about dealing with things like elk on the ground?
Just fine. But Im pretty muscular. I wouldnt push it. But I have zero pain. But if you damage the prosthesis your screwed. So just take precautions. Should last you 10- 15 years. Im screwed and hoping fir new technology. But the recent one I can always go back and do a full down the road. I used the US ski team doc in Salt Lake (Metcalf) It was good surgery but I should of just did the resurface. He thought it wouldnt be athletic enough however. Like I said fingers crossed.
Come February I am having a total replacement done on my right shoulder. Now I've had 6 knee surgeries including a total replacement on my right knee. I'm pretty comfy with the rehab routine for knee's.

Those of you who have actually had a total replacement to your shoulder please chime in and let me know how it went.

Come June, I'm having my left knee replaced so it's tune up the body year and get ready for my next half of life. I'll be 63 in November of 21.

I am a PT nazi and I have a great PT guy so I'll handle that end:)

Thanks in advance for your thoughts and comments!
Wish you well brother
I had (4) surgeries on my shoulders and one total,
Call me when you are getting it done or any timeyouwant to rtalk

I'm with the others in encouraging you to look at the alternatives to the full replacement unless it's absolutely necessary. I've had my left shoulder overhauled five times since 84 to one degree or another and the best ortho guy I know keeps telling me not to do the full until there's just no good options left because the recovery is long and the limitations imposed are for life.

I just have them go back in now every five to seven years and clean it out and I'm back to full power in four to six weeks.
+1 on putting off replacement as long as you can. If no choice, respect the limitations, tools to do things easier worth their weight in good bourbon!

Three surgeries on rt shoulder, complete "rebuild" in 12/19, all 4 rotator tendons displaced, bicep tendon displaced, bone cyst that contributed to mess, torn labrum, joint cleanout and bone spurs. Other than that, decent shape! I was able to kill one of my bigger bucks 10 days before surgery with Hoyt DoubleXL. Pulling bow back was not enjoyable. It was 17 degrees and after shot, my head was soaking wet from pain sweat. In 11/21 I felt pop in shoulder, went in for MRI, 🤬🤬, evidently surgeon did not remove large calcium deposit that shredded rotator tendon such not repairable.🤬🤬Had surgery in 4/21 to see what could be done. Nothing. Artificial cannot be done due to no support tendons. In constant pain, sleep not really good. Reverse shoulder would destroy everything I want to do. I can still shoot my Hoyt after getting new limbs (kudus to Hoyt CS to help me out!!!) so now at 54lbs. Killed nice buck this year so hanging in there. Eventually xbow but not while I can still draw bow.

Getting cortisone deep joint injection next week that is basically now a maintenance program couple times a year. Adhesive heat packs help a lot. No more lifting, use tools, machines etc.

PT does help strengthen around shoulder and add stability. Bottom line is protect that shoulder using alternative methods as long as you can. Once you lose percentage of functionality you are fighting to keep doing what you love to do.
dogz just some information on knee replacement, there is a Doctor here in Columbia ,Missouri
she does knee repair, what she does is remove bone marrow from your spine and remove fat from your butt
and injects it into the knee and it rebuilds the knee joint. She does this to older people so they do not
have knee replacement, Google it and read about it and see if it could work for you.
Blew out my left shoulder in late September. Saw the Az Cardinals Ortho Dr.. He sent me to PT for three months which has all my motion returned and very little pain. I'm 72 and was advised not to do total replacement until absolutely necessary.