I might saying something you already know (or do) but when I'm looking for a factory rifle and I'm not already 100% sure of what I want, I develop a list of requirements: "must haves" and "nice to haves" (call them whatever you like). Price is one, weight could be another, action type, degrees of bolt rotation (based on your scope it could be a factor), floated barrel, lapped barrel, compensated and/or threaded barrel, trigger type, stock type, rifle finish, magazine fed, so on and so forth. I like to define my requirements, research the rifles which fulfill them and try to go handle them all. As the list narrows I seek out opinions and see if I know anyone who has one I can shoot. The interesting thing about this process is every time I've done this I came away with a great rifle AND it was not the rifle I would have told you I thought I would be buying at the start of my search. As you said, if it's one thing everyone has, it's an opinion. I'm curious to know what you go with!