It hasn't been easy, to get here, as I figure every one here knows. I'd have to say it's more like a labor of love. My own opinion is that if a person does not enjoy a challenge, actually challenges them selves, they're not going to put the effort in. I know a guy, he's always talking about one mile hits. He shoots once or twice a year. I'm not sure people realize what a time investment is in evolved in this sport, and I am in no way denigrating ANYONE that does what my buddy does. At least they shoot, ya know? I'm not at a mile , yet, and may never hit that goal, but I have enjoyed the journey! The low spots, as well. I didn't do it alone, either. This forum has been a wealth of information. Entertaining as all get out, too! ALOT of people on this forum have helped me. Whether they knew it, or not. And I'm very humbled by that.
Again , thank you all for the well wishes, sincerely.