If you really want to eliminate issues going forward dump the nickle plated brass. It's great if you leave ammo exposed for months/yrs to the elements or are around salt/brackish water. Great for LE. But its a headache as it effects the hardness and thus force per various interfence fit measurements.
Regardless to find your "neck tension" amount of interference fit between neck and bullet
Start with this:
* Start with a fired deprimed case (don't bother priming it as this can be a dummy case for now.)
* Make sure your expander button is properly setup.
* Lightly lube your cases: empiral wax is a good standard to rule lube out as causing any issues.
* Size a case and then measure the cases outside neck diameter (middle of the neck). Measure it 3x.
* Run your neck deburrer and get a good clean chamfer on that case mouth edge.
* Seat a bullet being careful to hold the bullet straight as it goes into the die.
* Measure the loaded cased neck as you did above.
What is the difference between the sized and with bullet seated cases outside neck diameters? Should be somewhere in the 0.002-0.005 range? Go ahead and post the 2 measurements as well.
Once we get those measurements we can help you further.
With nickle plated I would stay at the 0.002 range. (Dump the nickle plated cases)
Going forward if your going to get your brass to reload from using commercial loaded ammo purchase ammo with standard brass only cases. Open the box to confirm no plating.
Based on your questions I am assuming your somewhat new to rifle handloading??
If so there are a few tool that will allow you to make ammo that is custom fit for your rifles chamber and throat. None of it is difficult and a decent set of calipers us all that's needed.
A tool to measure your case from shoulder to base and one to measure tge loaded case from tge bullets ogive to the case base. They are bullet and case comparators. Lots of different manf of these tool kits. The popular ones all work well.
A mandrel die makes it much easier to control and change neck tension and easier to limit runout on the necks.
You can make some really good ammo with just these limited tools.