I tip I got from an auto body friend that pai ts plastic body parts. To keep paint from chipping off when painting fiberglass/plastic/Tupperware stocks, use an "Adhesion Promoter". Any Oriellys etc should have it in a rattle can. This makes a STRONG and FLEXIBLE bond to the substrate and prevents the hard topcoat camo colors and clear from chipping off. Camo doesn't have to be a Micheal Angelo. It's just meant to break-up the outline of an object. Think tigers, raccoons, deer, lizards, fish, snakes. They don't have leaf, twig and branch patterns! I personally wear any pattern and different for hat, jacket, pants, gun, bow. If you wear all the same, the camo itself develops an outline. Just keep greens when in green, browns in brown and white in white. I shake my head when I see glam hunters NEEDING all "Mossy Oak" or "Real Tree" or whatever... The masters of old hunted in red PLAID or Furs!!! MY humble 2c...