Interesting thread! Being I do not know you or your wife, situation, all of it, I say the sanctity of marriage comes first. Why, because at this age, we have worked all our lives to get set up for these times. We planned, invested, reduced debt, all for one thing, to settle in comfortably. We take politics more serious now than when we were younger, why, because now we have more to lose.
We can talk of being at one with friends, nature, the game you pursue, but in truth, where we are at one is at home, with our spouses.
I am not saying you could not talk her into seeing your side, that would be great, we need get aways. And I hope you can, it is not right for a spouse to hold the other back. BUT, you are talking a one time this yr hunt, what about next yr? You have so much fun, next your deer trip will not be enough, and you need an antelope too. Elk are magnificent, going to need that too, cascading effect.
I really hope you can make this work with her blessing.
After 37 yrs, I know one thing, "the silent treatment" is never that, it just means she does not want to hear from you, and every move you make is now open for criticism. You leave the toilet seat up, BAM, being you are cooking for yourself, grease on the ceramic stove top, BAM, a sock doesn't make the clothes hamper, BAM, you get my drift, life is not good, lol