Well-Known Member
My dad did that while he was in high school and wanted to shoot during WWII, before he went into the navy in '45.Ever used old cellulose film as a smokeless powder? Similar to old Cordite.
We even learned how to reuse expended primers. Remove the anvil, use a flat punch or proper size to hammer out the firing pin dent, refill with the old, wet match head formula, replace anvil and let dry. While not a modern primer, they did work........most of the time.
Of course, making black powder is fairly easy, as long as the .gov does not begin restricting sulpher or potassium nitrate, but it can be made also.
Nitrocellulose film stopped being made (mostly) over 40 years ago. Not much to be found now- Low nitration too. Dad said it gunked up a rifle fast, was low performance.
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