'Tis the Season


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2002
\'Tis the Season

It's hunting season in Montana(Archery)! I started bow hunting last year just for the heck of it. I still think it is a great excuse to go scouting for the main event!(Who needs an excuse?). I did get with in 52 yards of a cute little buck, and yes I would have stuck him, but 52 yards is too far for my skill level. And thats what all this boils down to, confidence! Of course during slow times I thought about Long Range Hunting!RIFLE STYLE!! I have confidence there, except for the WIND! I have been shooting at various ranges for years, and I always have trouble with wind on the first shot. I have studied techniques about reading wind values and adjusting MOA to compensate, but it is very difficult! How do you sucessfull Long Range Hunters deal with the problem, or do you recomend holding off on the shot until conditions improve? And just remember, Meat is neat to eat.
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