
Here's somebody that has lots of hearing loss and tinnitus....

30+ years Infantry plus two near miss IEDs. Mind over matter - I just ignore it. Don't think about it. Kind of like my wife's voice - it always in the background.
Same here. 3 IED's and being infantry for so many years trashed my hearing and they ring like crazy.
And you are right about being able to not hear hear the wife 😂
Me too! I have one competition shotgun with close to a million rounds through it. I am nearly death, but can heat my ears ringing loud and clear. damage is cumulative, and hearing protection only lengthens the process. Shoot enough and you will lose your hearing. The good news is if you turn your back you have absolutely no idea what wife is saying. Not as bad a deal as some propose LOL.
I'm not sure what you mean by hearing protection lengthening the process. This is not true. Hearing protection preserves what hearing you have. Ditch ear pro and it rapidly declines. Shooting enough will not make you lose your hearing if you PROTECT IT. Yes damage is cumulative if you don't protect anything. But the key is to protect what you have so it doesn't accumulate. Guys, protect your hearing, it's worth it.
I'm not sure what you mean by hearing protection lengthening the process. This is not true. Hearing protection preserves what hearing you have. Ditch ear pro and it rapidly declines. Shooting enough will not make you lose your hearing if you PROTECT IT. Yes damage is cumulative if you don't protect anything. But the key is to protect what you have so it doesn't accumulate. Guys, protect your hearing, it's worth it.
Yep,….and the reason why I went 'suprresed'.
I've discovered taking a good magnesium supplement helps with mine but I will caution, if you take to much the side effects tend to get messy
Might be something to this....I am 85 😇, shoot 45 ACP weekly, have had VA hearing aids for 18+ years....have tinnitus along with hearing loss :confused:. I take 1 magnesium tablet a day (800 mg) for like forever along with a bunch of other OTC vitamins and minerals. Have a 1/4 glass of wine just before bedtime and sleep like a rock. :rolleyes:
Getting hearing aids is very important....with damage to the ears your brain is 'forgetting how to process sounds'.....
Due to the extreme range loss of my hearing my aids are 4grand....with a discount....but they are exceptionally programmable....$3k aids couldn't get me where my brain needs to be....first day or two was aggravating....not used to lifes everyday noises..........kinda wish I didn't hear the idiots revving the motorcycles and diesel motors.....
But I like hearing birds chirp again....
Yep,….and the reason why I went 'suprresed'.
However you do it, just make sure you do haha. Suppressors are overrated IMO. They work but essentially just a $1000 set of ear muffs, which I still use ear plugs while shooting suppressed. I prefer using my good ear plugs, not hanging an extra 5-8 inches off my barrel and spending that $1000 on gun parts😁😁😁😁😁
Try taking B12 daily. It has helped me tremendously with the tinnitus. Limiting alcohol consumption, exercise and a good nights sleep help too. If it keeps you awake at night, I recommend green noise. Really has helped me with my 20+ year struggle with it. Hope it can help!
Might be something to this....I am 85 😇, shoot 45 ACP weekly, have had VA hearing aids for 18+ years....have tinnitus along with hearing loss :confused:. I take 1 magnesium tablet a day (800 mg) for like forever along with a bunch of other OTC vitamins and minerals. Have a 1/4 glass of wine just before bedtime and sleep like a rock. :rolleyes:
How big is that glass? Asking for a friend.
Ohh you mean the cicadas ??? yeah they are my friends ...24/7
Same [ Hear ] grow up on a farm running equipment, chainsaw...
Worked in industrial construction most of my life, loved load music, still do. Going to restaurants with friends, couldn't make out what people were saying, sound like I had a bucket over my head. Wife got so frustrated she made the appointment to a audiologist and paid for hearing aids.
It is amazing what I couldn't hear. My car and truck make a lot of noise, they didn't forget to put audible turn signals in them. 🤣🤣
For you younger people. Please use hearing protection.

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