Timmy Calvin elite


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2010
NW Arkansas
Does anyone have a link to instructions to adjust them. Mine is sat pretty light and I want to go back up to 2-2.5 for hunting. Should I just take it to a smith?
How about you send a Jewell & I will send you the Calvin

Then you'd come out ahead as good as I would on the original deal :)

In all seriousness I'd call Timney and I'm sure they'll walk you through how to adjust the trigger. I've read a few reviews of guys that say this trigger is right on par with a jewel for less money so you'll be a happy camper when you get it set at the pull weight you desire. You should update the thread with simple instructions on adjustment once you find out how, I don't think I've seen anyone show how to adjust a Calvin Elite and I haven't seen on up close to try and figure it out myself.

Good luck!
Yes id be interested in that info as well since i am looking at replacing my jewell with the timney ce. The jewell feels fragile, and seems to be getting lighter. It would be hard to imagine a trigger that breaks cleaner but im not real confident in the robustness. Guess time will tell.
on Calvin Elite , bottom front screw adj. pull wt. they come set at 8 oz. and CAN go up to 2.5, but 2# is better upper limit. And, i like them better than the others I've used.
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