Time for a .204 Ruger

Ingwe; I still didn't get an answer to my question?? So here is another one that I am trying to solve??

The barrel that came attached to my rifle, RUGER AMERICAN PREDATOR, Model # 26971, Caliber 204, and I am trying to get a decent group at 25 yards. Not 250 but 25 yards. I can throw a rock and hit the target?? The group is about 4 to 6 inches and that is with around 50 to 60 rounds of purchased ammo. Supervormance Varmint, Hornady 40 grain V-max??

I am suspecting that world-famous, hammer-forged, 24-inch barrel that RUGER thinks so much of?? I can get a 28 inch Bartlein for $400.00 and one from Bullbery Barrel Works, In Southern Utah for a little bit less?? Both Bartlein and Bullbury are button pulled rifling!!

All ideas and suggestions are more than welcome and I am in LOVE with the 204 and won't change!!
Ingwe; I still didn't get an answer to my question?? So here is another one that I am trying to solve??

The barrel that came attached to my rifle, RUGER AMERICAN PREDATOR, Model # 26971, Caliber 204, and I am trying to get a decent group at 25 yards. Not 250 but 25 yards. I can throw a rock and hit the target?? The group is about 4 to 6 inches and that is with around 50 to 60 rounds of purchased ammo. Supervormance Varmint, Hornady 40 grain V-max??

I am suspecting that world-famous, hammer-forged, 24-inch barrel that RUGER thinks so much of?? I can get a 28 inch Bartlein for $400.00 and one from Bullbery Barrel Works, In Southern Utah for a little bit less?? Both Bartlein and Bullbury are button pulled rifling!!

All ideas and suggestions are more than welcome and I am in LOVE with the 204 and won't change!!

Gee I don't know Knapper. I can only tell you what I am getting with my Savage M12.....there are allot of guys that know a hell of allot more then me so hopefully they will chime in.

That said something is definitely wrong with the rifle. Again, I hope that someone is reading here.

However, once you get things going, you will be very happy with the 204...it's an incredible round. You will see your impacts easily
Gee I don't know Knapper. I can only tell you what I am getting with my Savage M12.....there are allot of guys that know a hell of allot more then me so hopefully they will chime in.

That said something is definitely wrong with the rifle. Again, I hope that someone is reading here.

However, once you get things going, you will be very happy with the 204...it's an incredible round. You will see your impacts easily
Gee I don't know Knapper. I can only tell you what I am getting with my Savage M12.....there are allot of guys that know a hell of allot more then me so hopefully they will chime in.

That said something is definitely wrong with the rifle. Again, I hope that someone is reading here.

However, once you get things going, you will be very happy with the 204...it's an incredible round. You will see your impacts easily
Since we had our conversation about 6 weeks ago, I took the rifle back out to that indoor range and shot another 100 rounds with the same results, So I have taken the darn thing to a very good gunsmith and ordered a new barrel for it. The total cost to be around $350.00 and HE has given me the assurance that I will be able to have a group of around a DIME when he is done.
That will put me around $800.00 into a $500.00 gun but with a button pulled profiling? I have hopes.
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