Looking to get my daughter her first rifle for deer hunting. She is 10 years old and 110 pounds. I want to keep this as simple as I can. I'm going with a .243win. She's tall with long arms so I don't necessarily need a compact model with a shorter LOP. I'd like to get her a rifle that she can use now throughout her teen years if she sticks with it. I'm partial to either Tikka or Remington. I'm looking at the T3x lite vs. a Model 7, SPS, or possibly 700. I'm not adding anything to it, I just want an out of the box rifle for short distance whitetail hunting. I'm very familiar with the Remington recoil, my question is will the .243win recoil in the T3x be too much for a 110 pound 10 year old? I've never actually shot a T3x. She's only ever shot .22's and 20ga clay loads. I want to start her off right. Thank you.