Tikka Customs

I have been working on a starting platform of a couple of Tikkas, Just getting into this whole custom rifle stuff and Im waiting now for a new barrel thought i found one but its a 1:8 and my smith said i should go with a 1:9 so im looking for a medium Palma with 1:9 if anyone has any or knows of one give me a shout plz. So far here's what I got and I will update as it goes along. Tikka T3 7mm factory barrel and action, Mountain Tactical Trigger Spring up grade on a GRS Bersek with a Nikon Buckmasters 4.5x16 i got off a pawn shop STW find i made. Let me know if there are things you guys know or a kickin load i can try. Thanks


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To convert, say, T3 270 to 6.5 cm, is it only a barrel change and good to go?

I understand that Tikka only makes long action, so if the 6.5 cm is quite a bit shorter cartridge, do you just have extra room to cycle, or is there some other modification?
The bolt stop is what makes it long or short action . The Tikka is a long action but if you are running short action you will have magazine issues to match cartridges. When running short action the bolt stop is set up for short action. To run long action you must change bolt stop which is a simple swap. There a videos to show this. You will also have magazine issue unless you start with long action stock. I am sure there are those on here that can explain it better than me.
Today I wouldn't build a 7mm anything with 1-9....
It'll probably stabilize 180's but not 195's and even if I didn't currently plan on running heavies I wouldn't handcuff myself. No downside to a 1-8 7mag.
Thinking your smith may be dating himself.
Well I just need to find a decent barrel in 1:8 then and go with it. My Smith is about 75yr old so yeah maybe thats the case.
In 7mm there are quite a few 1-8.25 which is good. One thing to remember is that if the smith thinks you ignore his advice (even if wrong) it can create issues..... especially if it won't shoot.....Just saying.....
Ranchdog - Bugholes has a ton of barrels in stock. I'd go Bartlein 1-8.7 which will work great with 180's and may not upset your Smith....
Today I wouldn't build a 7mm anything with 1-9....
It'll probably stabilize 180's but not 195's and even if I didn't currently plan on running heavies I wouldn't handcuff myself. No downside to a 1-8 7mag.
Thinking your smith may be dating himself.

There is a lot of evidence stating that the 195 is about the only non-monolithic bullet that you want a 1-8" twist for and that a 1-9 is better for the 180, especially the Eldm because they have been shown to blow up before impact when spun too fast. If you read Nathan Foster's write up on the 7mm practical he has more to say about the topic. Unless you plan to exclusively shoot 195's or monos the 1-9 is a better choice.
I still say no downside to a 1-8.25 as there are lots of 180 grain + choices but as my last recommendation a 1-8.7 probably is best of both worlds.
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