Thoughts on Swarovski Z5 3.5-18x44 with Ballistic Turrets?

What kind of price are you seeing on this scope? I am looking at the same scope, but I am going through sticker shock on the price. I have a 3 x 9 Zeiss Conquest but I want to step up to a higher magnification and better clarity. I have been told the Swarovski is the ticket but I am still unsure. There is so much debate about scopes that is has become very confusing. When I look through the Swarovski at the store it looks great but so does the Zeiss 4.5-14x50.
What kind of price are you seeing on this scope? I am looking at the same scope, but I am going through sticker shock on the price. I have a 3 x 9 Zeiss Conquest but I want to step up to a higher magnification and better clarity. I have been told the Swarovski is the ticket but I am still unsure. There is so much debate about scopes that is has become very confusing. When I look through the Swarovski at the store it looks great but so does the Zeiss 4.5-14x50.

I personally rate the Swaro to be "upscale" of the Zeiss Conquest lineup...its not some quantum leap in quality or performance. Either the Swaro OR the 4.5-14 Zeiss will do you fine.
$1249 is the best that I have found and that was a "demo" from It is the one without the ballistic turrets but has the BRH reticle that I think I am now favoring due to quicker shots while hunting.
I have two of these scopes..One is on a 257 wby.accumark and the other is on a 300 wby. mag...They are just over one pound and are very compact which in my mind makes for a perfect hunting rifle...The glass is almost as good as my Schmidt
& bender scopes ...The turrets work great also and are easy to set up..As far as price goes I paid $ 1,570.00 each and that included a free turret ,,set up to your rifles ballistics info you want. Bought them from the Outdoorsmans in phoenix az.
I own or have tried almost every scope made ..I think the next best glass is in
my nightforce scopes but there just to heavy ,,,,which puts these scopes in my mind in class all there own..I also have 2 zeiss scopes ,,,they are nice but do not
come close to Swarovski or Schmidt & Bender ,,,for my eyes anyway..You already know others wont agree but I love mine.
It's a light weight scope, I'll give it that. 1" tube instead of 30mm. I hope some others will sound in with their experiences and opinions.
$1249 is the best that I have found and that was a "demo" from It is the one without the ballistic turrets but has the BRH reticle that I think I am now favoring due to quicker shots while hunting.

Something to keep in mind is that its a SFP reticle. You'll have to make sure you're on the correct magnification before you pull the trigger. Ranging, and then looking at the power and ranging and dialing to the correct color seem about the same to me. Just something that I thought about when i was in your shoes.
I have moa turrets on both of mine and put my ballistic info in my G7 range finder.
They both work perfectly...Just another plus for the G7 range finder..
I have two and really like them. If I was planning to hunt over 600 yds or so I would go to a tactical type set-up, as the BT is not well marked after your presets.

That is the only negative that I can state. The glass is awesome, they track perfectly, and I have yet to have one come off of zero. Neither of mine have the 4W, but I think it is a major upgrade as you can dial elevation and then use the reticle for windage.

I bought both of mine as Demos, one from SWFA sample list and one from cameraland. They were bought in 2009 and 2011 (or thereabouts). Both were $1250. No buyers remorse.

FWIW the one from Cameraland drop-shipped direct from Swarovski NA, and I guess maybe someone opened the box once or something, not a mark on it...
Does anyone have experience with the Swarovski Ballistic Turret? Is it difficult to set-up and is it accurate? It is my understanding that there is a chart available somewhere on the web where I can insert the info on my ammo and it will spit out the adjustments at various yardages. Does this actually work and is it an add-on to the scope that is worth the additional cost? The concept sounds great.
Does anyone have experience with the Swarovski Ballistic Turret? Is it difficult to set-up and is it accurate? It is my understanding that there is a chart available somewhere on the web where I can insert the info on my ammo and it will spit out the adjustments at various yardages. Does this actually work and is it an add-on to the scope that is worth the additional cost? The concept sounds great.

Yes they work and are worth the money..Info at
you will find the bt ballistic calculator and all the detailed instructions on how to
use can watch the complete set ups on youtube also.. good luck.
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