Thoughts on Colorado OTC any sex tag


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2016
I've been planning a cow Elk hunt in NM for this fall that's about as guaranteed as you can get (private land, hunting with the land owner, etc) for a tag fee of $625.

A co-worker from the four corners area and I began talking about it and he mentioned the CO OTC tag and that he's got several friends that hunt that area often with pretty good success. He agreed if a cow was the goal to do the NM hunt but if I wanted a shot at a bull the $660 any sex tag might be the way to go. Since I'm not looking for a monster bull and could punch the tag with a cow I'm in a bit of a quandary.

I do need to get a better definition of "success" from him since according to CO's data success is less than 10%.

Any information and guidance is as always most appreciated.
When you look at any elk hunt and what's involved, I say, any elk is good elk!
Good luck with your choice.
Go to NM with what you have set up. Get your feet wet if you haven't killed one before, and then go chase in CO.

The deal with CO public land is the success rates for any method of take are LOW, comparatively and you will see ALOT of hunters. So from a quality and odds perspective, go with what you have planned then start digging into CO later. amazing country !
We camped next to a trail headed up the mountain just out of Meeker. The opening day was unbelievable..the traffic headed up was crazy !
The worst part was watching the local property owner across the canyon push the huge herd of elk back up the mountain with horses and a jeep . Couldnt believe what we were watching in the binos .We found out later it was $ 5,000.00 plus to hunt over there and free where we were hunting .
Needless to say our group never went back to CO.
Best of luck to you and your choice.

Rum Man
The worst part was watching the local property owner across the canyon push the huge herd of elk back up the mountain with horses and a jeep.

Rum Man

Saw the same thing with Antelope in Wyoming. Rancher driving onto public to push the herd deeper into private. Should be illegal to do this.
You will most likely end up with more elk meat in the freezer on you NM hunt as mentioned above. CO has a lot of elk, but the OTC option is a tough hunt and very low success rates. You could get lucky over there, just don't get your hopes too high.
I'm interested in this as well. I have hunted close to Craig paying a trespass fee with success. I'm very involved coaching now and can't commit to anything. A buddy and I was thinking about winging it for a diy public land elk hunt with an over the counter rifle tag whichever season will work for my schedule. Hopefully some good details about Colorado otc tags will fill up on this others have mentioned I'd be elated with any elk!
There is OTC either sex elk but it's archery. There is some unit that have either sex elk rifle but they are draw tags and they have draw either sex elk on private land. There also some units ML either sex but are draw tag

There is OTC Either Sex Elk-Rifle-Plains tag. Season is from Sept 1 to Jan 31 and it's most private land east of I-25 and I live in Plains unit.
The worst part was watching the local property owner across the canyon push the huge herd of elk back up the mountain with horses and a jeep.

Rum Man

Saw the same thing with Antelope in Wyoming. Rancher driving onto public to push the herd deeper into private. Should be illegal to do this.
I've seen this as well. I believe it is illegal.
Maybe just luck, but I've taken 2 bulls on CO OTC tags in last three years. Get well away from ATV traffic and check out the nasty places. The elk won't stay where there is pressure. Work dawn to dark, you'll find a bull. That's why they make backpacks.
I've seen this as well. I believe it is illegal.
Yep, it is commonplace. Do not think for a minute anything will be done about it, those ranchers pay property taxes so they have more pull than any number of bitching hunters. I actually watch it every year but we kill elk every year so I don't fuss too much, although last year I heard a guy say he was going to start shooting elk on the guys land and leave them lying there to rot. I would not condone such action but I do understand his frustration, as several times the herd was making its way back to public land only to be turned back by the rancher in his jeep.
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