this form is a joke

The choice is your to come or go. I looked back and only saw one thread that you didn't get a response to and that concerned night vision. Ever think that possibly nobody that could answer your question saw and or read the post? This has been a busy time of year and a lot of guys are still hunting so sometimes responses are bound to be less than during a slack part of the year.

Hope you have a good day and good luck in your search for a forum where lots of people jump on a question about something that most of us never use.
I totally agree. It is long range hunting, not many 1,000 yard shots on game are taken with night vision lol. Hmm could it be because you probably wouldn't see game in the first place by randomly finding it in your night vision or because it is illegal in most states? Maybe he should have tried a tactical forum.

By the way, every question I have asked here has been responded to with very helpful information. It is actually the best forum I have joined.
You should be glad that there aren't a bunch of armchair enthusiasts and 14 year old kids responding to your threads and giving useless information.
Eyeballjr that was fun right there.. I know this forum has been great lots of info and not all my stuff was answered but what was is great this is the only place I belong to and suck it up stop crying like a little girl..
Is legal in Virginia for varmint hunting, but usually it's not so long range here. Also, while I have time on PVS-14's and thermal imagers, I haven't had any time hunting with a rifle mounted nightvision setup...

Impatient. I've been on several sights where folks don't seem to respond at times. I just keep asking for some help, especially if the search function doesn't work so well.

BTW the search function on this forum isn't the best. I have better luck using Google or Yahoo to search this sight than the forum search function (even using the Advanced settings). That can be a little frustrating at times...not enough to tell you all to kiss off!

I've gotten a lot more out of this sight than I've given, that's for sure. I'm humbled by the breadth and depth of knowledge of folks here and most people are downright friendly and willing to help. Some people however are quite sensitive or self centered and just don't get it.


I totally agree. It is long range hunting, not many 1,000 yard shots on game are taken with night vision lol. Hmm could it be because you probably wouldn't see game in the first place by randomly finding it in your night vision or because it is illegal in most states? Maybe he should have tried a tactical forum.

By the way, every question I have asked here has been responded to with very helpful information. It is actually the best forum I have joined.
I think 7mm crybaby sendero more than made up for his perceived lack of response with this last post. My hats are off to all you guys in giving him a fair and accurate sendoff.

BTW the search function on this forum isn't the best. I have better luck using Google or Yahoo to search this sight than the forum search function (even using the Advanced settings). Matt

Matt: just a perception and not meant as a gripe - but I too have found the same senerio more than once with your above comment. That might be due to the fact that I'm not the brightest/sharpest bulb in the computer tree world though.

GOOD SENDOFF guys -LMAO reading through it.
Hey I'm new here I think its a great site ! Lots of info. Read n learn! I. I don't know whether 2 read or shoot maybe If I read more I will shoot better just getting the longrange bug. It will have me addicted like all my other hobbies ! Great site
7mm- i know i replied to at least three of your posts. did you follow any advice i gave you?? what did i not answer ??
Slip over to the "Hide" and post your question and then complain about the forum not supporting your issue du-jor. When they get done with you, I guarantee you'll be bleeding from every orifice of your body and then someone will recessitate you just so they can continue to beat you. The guys here are being nice.

Most people with a lick of common sense would have just made a "note-to-self" not to visit a given site and bowed out quietly. You just burned one bridge, why not a few more?
I'm done with this site I have posted 3 new threads and not one person has bothered helping me with my problems.I mean come on this is bull so to all of you thanks for nothing
Slow your role bro' there are some fine folks here who really try to help folks when they can. Since since we are on the subject of helping folks with their problems. With a post count as low as yours, you don't seem to be doing to much helping either. sounds like the pot calling the kettle black to me.
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