It was the Norma lab. Testing 50BMG and 20mm cannon powder, which are a powder similar to US869, US970 etc, which are a canister powder but swing in burn rate too much to be sold to the general public.
Contrary to people's observations and assumptions, to be sold as a canister grade powder, it MUST stay within +/- 3% of the ORIGINAL powders burn rate as shown in a calorimeter bomb, if it falls outside of these parameters it can ONLY be sold as BULK.
People bandy about that powder in canisters are blended…no they are not.
Worked where it's made, if it doesn't come up to snuff, it never sees the shelves. Believe me, when we're talking a train load of powder, they're striving to get that powder the same every batch, because bulk powder gets bid on, not just sold at a particular price point.
Anywoo, there you have it.