They got me now!


Official LRH Sponsor
Mar 25, 2007
Here is a PM that I just received this morning.

Hey its time come clean with the public the you took a bad shot and killed a baby Aoudad in Texas, you stopped recording to go remove the dead baby and cover up your **** up. Be ******* and post in public you f'd up. I will post this video of you taking a unethical shot and killing a baby on every forum and group till you publicly admit and apologize for killing a baby with a bad shot and trying to cover it.

Here is an email that I received this morning. Assuming from the same guy or group that attacks me here often.

You are a disgrace to hunting
Posting a video of you shooting an animal and not having a clear backdrop and killing the young of the same herd. What a piece of ****. I hope your company tanks.

Learn some ethics.

I've already send the video to the authorities even though you pulled the video offline. Screen record *******

I truly home karma gets you back and your sales tank

A real hunter.

From this email address: Austin Jordan <[email protected]>

Here is my response to the email.

Good morning Austin,

I am sorry you are so worked up. I will try and give you some clarity. This was a guided hunt on a private ranch in TX. There were multiple spotters present for the shot and none of them saw the second animal. Had any of us seen it, particularly me (the shooter), the shot would not have been taken. It was a very unfortunate mistake that all of us wished had not happened.

To my knowledge that episode of Giving Back TV is still up for viewing. I hope you have a better rest of your day.

Steve Davis
Hammer Bullets

I figured I would save @Zorack the trouble of tattling on me.
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A bro can't defend himself against slander?
Posting a private message isn't slander. Slander is a statement meant to damage one's reputation. Posting a private message on a public forum kind of does the opposite. And starting a whole new topic is adding to the crap show, so if the plan is to minimize it, why start ANOTHER thread.

Sometimes you have to rise above it and not throw mud. You and I are both working on that sometimes still! 😜
Great penetration ! Most bullets couldn't have done that.
I was going to comment that he should have used a lesser bullet and over penetration wouldn't have been a problem 🤣

I didn't see the video to know what he was shooting, but it would be hilarious is if he was using a 22 cal something 🤣

Love me some Hammer bullets!!!