Thermal - Long Range Hog Hunt - 16 Hogs Down

The professional trapper has packed up. He never fixed his trap. I think the foreman hacked him off when he told him about our hunt. The foreman did not like him being there anyway. He said the pro cut into his entertainment. Anyway the pro trapped 28 hogs in two months. We shot 16 in four nights and one morning. The Thermals were not only more effective but moved the remaining hogs to the next county.
I wondered how long it would be before they would return. Six weeks later and they are back with revenge on their mind. The corn under the feeders, all gone. The ground is torn. The deer plot looks like a herd of buffalo ran through. His front yard has two beautiful huge oaks that had just started dropping acorns. Under which was a nice patch of St. Augustine. He said it looks like it was carpet bombed. All this in two nights. Sounds like it's time to get the thermals out.
George told me to post this for him. I think it's pretty sweet.


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My brother had his biggest boar EURO mounted with a camo twist. Imagine again following this six foot long wounded boar into a cedar thicket at night. That will get the adrenaline going!!
My brother had his biggest boar EURO mounted with a camo twist. Imagine again following this six foot long wounded boar into a cedar thicket at night. That will get the adrenaline going!!
I've done a whole lot of skull mounts going all the way back to my college days when I was curating the departments collection doing my post grad work and buddy, that's a twist I'd have never though of HA!
Ambush!! Tearing up my brothers yard angered him to the point he set up an ambush. He has finally figured out how to drop them on the spot. I will try to get TX to post a picture.
Ambush!! Tearing up my brothers yard angered him to the point he set up an ambush. He has finally figured out how to drop them on the spot. I will try to get TX to post a picture.
When I lived in Dublin I knew a lot of Peanut farmers that absolutely declared war on them. I actually got paid for a while to shoot them off of a couple of golf courses as well. During the drought they really overran the golf courses and a dozen hogs could do tens of thousands of dollars work of damage to the course in a single night.

Head shots only with a .22hornet and 60gr solids from golf carts with green lights HA!

The "good old days" really could be a lot of fun at times.
The biggest mistake I made on this hunt was wearing my Goretex light weight hunting boots. They are very comfortable and great for walking. However, the cactus penetrated and stuck to them like glue. I am still trying to get all the small thorns out. They slowly work their way through and into your foot. If you plan on hunting central or south Texas wear heavy leather boots.
The biggest mistake I made on this hunt was wearing my Goretex light weight hunting boots. They are very comfortable and great for walking. However, the cactus penetrated and stuck to them like glue. I am still trying to get all the small thorns out. They slowly work their way through and into your foot. If you plan on hunting central or south Texas wear heavy leather boots.
Throw them away and buy something like the Tony Lama Snake Proof boots. They look like a nice pair of tall western boots but they are cordura on bottom sandwiched between heavy leather and cordura and I think Kevlar on top with lighter leather. Comfortable to wear, walk in, and as close to prickly pear proof as you're going to get.
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